Ready for Kindergarten?

Do you have a child with a late birthday?  Are you struggling to make a decision to send them to Kindergarten this year or next?

This is me!

I have been fretting over this all year and I still am not sure!!

This is such a hard decision to make!  I have done my research.  I have talked to a lot of parents/teachers and I still am not confident that I am making the right decision.  Only time will tell.

In doing my research I came across this check list from .  This has helped me sooo much!


On Target: Your child is doing great!

Mastery: Your child is doing even better than expected on this skill.

Red Flag: No need for panic! Just look for some playful learning activities to help your child grow in this area.

1. Counting
? On Target: Counting to 29 or 39
? Mastery: Counting to 100+
? Red Flag: Counting to 12

How to improve: Count anything and everything. Count aloud without counting actual objects.

2. The Alphabet
? On Target: Names all capital letters and some lower case letters. Names half the sounds.
? Mastery: Names all capital and lower case letters and every letter’s sound
? Red Flag: Names only a few capital letters and very few lower case letters. Names only a few sounds.

How to improve: Read alphabet books every day until your child starts pointing out letters he sees on food packages, books, and signs.

3. The Bathroom (This is a big one for boys in private schools where you have to wear a belt!)
? On Target: Is comfortable wearing his or her school clothes and operating the buttons, snaps and zippers independently.
? Mastery: Can easily operate all kinds of fasteners on clothing without assistance.
? Red Flag: Needs help removing and fastening clothing to use the bathroom.

How to improve: Practice wearing school clothes around the house.

4. Name Writing
? On Target: Uses all capital letters (first name).
? Mastery: Begins with a capital letter and follows with lowercase letters (first name).
? Red Flag: Cannot recognize her name, cannot spell it, or cannot write it.

How to improve: Name Template – this is an amazing tool I found on Pinterest.  You can type their name and it prints it out on lined paper that they can trace.


Bonus: Teach your child to write his or her last name.

5. Listening to Books
? On Target: Enjoys listening to a stack of picture books. Makes personal connections to stories and answers simple questions. May be recognizing a handful of familiar words.
? Mastery: Asks to be read to every day. Will listen to a large stack of picture books and beg for more. Enjoys listening to simple chapter books with good attention. Makes personal connections to stories and answers both simple and complex questions correctly. May be reading some books independently.
? Red Flag: Does not sit for more than 1-2 books at time. Does not talk about books or ask basic questions. Cannot answer simple questions about a story. Usually prefers a screen to a book.

How to improve: Limit screen time and read to your child several times a day if possible.

Even when children have mastered these academic skills, it’s important that they are ready socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.

I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, experiences… PLEASE comment below.


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Amanda is the co-creator of the Blog, The Club Mom, after a 7 year run, and now that her kids are getting older, she decided to create a lifestyle blog/community centered on happiness. Follow along, let’s discover true happiness together!