Our football/cheerleading team had a bake sale. I had about 15 things going on that weekend and confession – I don’t typically bake. I ran out to Kroger, late night, found the last package of Busken Halloween cookies and some sandwich bags. I went home put a cookie in a bag and tied a ribbon on them. My only regret… not having green ribbon to look like a vine for the pumpkin.
I felt a little like Sara Jessica Parker on the movie, “I don’t know how she does it”. However, I did not throw flour on the cookie and pass them off as my own creation!! I knew better than that!! Did I feel a little inadequate when the other mom’s were dropping off their delectable home made goodies at the same time???? I have to admit YES!! However, I felt a little better when I checked back and “my” cookies were one of the first items to sell out!
Winning or Cheating? What do you think? Have you ever “cheated” at a bake sale?