Miss Humblebees Academy Review

Over the couple of weeks, Austin & I have had the pleasure to tryout Miss Humblebee’s Academy. Miss Humblebee’s Academy is a Kindergarten Preparatory Online School designed to help all kids enter Kindergarten with ease. As you previously read, I was very concerned with my son being ready for Kindergarten.

Overall, we really enjoyed our time with Miss Humblebee’s Academy.  It is a very comprehensive program for preschoolers and would be perfect for ages 3-5.  This definitely would be a program I would recommend to everyone looking to prepare their child for success before or during Kindergarten.  It is available via your home computer or a tablet.  The website is completely child friendly with no pop-ups, ads, or links to other websites.


It was simple enough for Austin to Navigate on his own.  He loved earning the coins and designing his own Avatar.  My favorite part was all the printables available for download!  I like to have him practice writing his letters and numbers while is sister is doing homework.




Miss Humblebee’s Academy is simple, clean and presents the ideas clearly.   It uses Standard Common Core curriculum, through a guided step-by-step progression.  Or if you choose, your child can work by choosing lessons on their own.  Miss Humblebee’s  also evaluates if the child comprehends the new concepts and sends parents progress reports straight to your email once a week.   Or you can access your child’s progress report from the website anytime as well.



Home subscriptions are available monthly or annually.  The cost per month is $12.95 for first child and $5.00 for each additional child.  The cost per year is $129 for the first child and $60 for each additional child.

If you are a teacher, you can use Miss Humblebees in your classroom!  Subscriptions are good for 30 students that they can use in the classroom or at home.  Miss Humblebees Academy believes your child will be proficient upon completion of the program by just working 30 minutes a week.  The program is designed for ages 3-6. While my subscription was for my son, I have found that there are many lessons that present an acceptable challenge for both of my children.

Another great thing about this program is that for every membership purchased, one will be given to a child in need. 

Try it out to see if it works for you, by getting the first week free!


I was given a temporary membership to try out Miss Humblebee’s Academy to share my opinion with our readers.  As always, my opinions are 100% my own.

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Amanda is the co-creator of the Blog, The Club Mom, after a 7 year run, and now that her kids are getting older, she decided to create a lifestyle blog/community centered on happiness. Follow along, let’s discover true happiness together!