Fall Themed Baby Shower!

My husbands little brother and his wife are expecting their first child!!  They are not finding out what it is so we went with a fall themed baby shower!  I love all things fall so this was right up my alley!

First I designed the invite!  I think they turned out really cute and it was a neat craft Ava and I did together.

I used power point with a orange chevron boarder and pumpkin clip art.  The wording was super cute and simple: “A Sweet Little Pumpkin is on the way”!  I went to Michael’s (with my 40% off coupon!) and found these awesome blank cards and envelope sets for a very reasonable price. I bought the cards cut them along the fold to make a flat invite and pasted the print out on them.  Ava and I also bought some glitter foam leaf stickers to seal the envelopes with.

enhance (1)


We don’t really care for cheesy shower games, we like to socialize and talk.  So we opted with two easy options so we can still give out gifts and have a little bit of an icebreaker for those who don’t know each other all that well.  We went with a Price is right game.  We had a basket of baby items and a sheet that you filled out guessing the price.  Those closest to the price wins.  The basket is a gift for Momma!





We also made a diaper cake and did a guess how many diapers are in the cake!  Super simple and it also served as a decoration as well!


We had the food catered by Olive Garden.  We were very pleased with the quality and service.


Then I attempted a dessert table!



The cookies were AMAZING!  I got them from Spoon Full of Sugar in Mason.  I have used them before for Birthday cakes.  They have the shop open with retail bakery items (cookies) just for the Holidays!  I am thinking of ordering some for our Christmas Parties!  I love the iced cookies and the kids do too!!



The Chocolates on the center of this plate were Mrs. Cavanaugh’s Chocolates.  They are the most amazing chocolates I have had!  They come with a little map and in a nice gold box.  They also have candy bars!  The Mint is my favorite!  I was sent these to review from US Family Guide. Check out a recent post with a special offer for you to try!





All in all the shower was a success!  Now we are just waiting for our new precious niece or nephew!  Hope you got some good ideas if you are planning a shower!

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Amanda is the co-creator of the Blog, The Club Mom, after a 7 year run, and now that her kids are getting older, she decided to create a lifestyle blog/community centered on happiness. Follow along, let’s discover true happiness together!