Mia our sweet rescue pup is an excitable pee(er). Whenever, someone new comes over and sweet talks her she can’t contain her excitement and pees where ever she is standing. It’s a lot of fun! She is lucky she is so cute!
Needless to say we have tried many different Pet cleaners. I was given Pets N Kids to try and I have to say this one is the best for getting the urine smell out.

Also, not to share too much of the gory details, but one of my children got very sick after eating Chicken Parm one night from a local restaurant and I could not get the red stain or smell out of the carpet next to my bed. I couldn’t even sleep in my spot until I tried the Kids N Pets on the stain and then I tried sprinkling the powder Biz on the carpet left it sit a bit before vacuuming to help eliminate the lingering odor.
It acted as a carpet freshener. I now frequently do this with all of the rugs in the house and it removes any pet odors as well as freshens the entire room for days.

This is a sponsored post all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for reading.