Cincinnati Children’s Theatre Presents Snow White and the Dancing Dwarfs (February 12 – February 21, 2016)

Cincinnati Children’s Theatre Presents Snow White and the Dancing Dwarfs (February 12 – February 21, 2016)

Snow White and the Dancing Dwarfs (February 12 – February 21, 2016) Did you know that Snow White’s Dwarfs are amazing dancers?  Come see for yourselves as the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale of Snow White, her evil stepmother, the all-knowing mirror and the...

A Holiday Message that Hit Home

A Holiday Message that Hit Home

This excerpt is from my Company’s Women’s Network Newsletter (2010).  I had to share, I found myself nodding my head at every word and wanting to scream, “AMEN” when I finished reading!  The excerpt was written by one of the top female executives at my company, at...

My Magical Adventure! Crayon Crunch Book – Where you can design what the main character looks like – down to their freckles, or prosthetic limb!

My Magical Adventure! Crayon Crunch Book – Where you can design what the main character looks like – down to their freckles, or prosthetic limb!

The Club Mom is proud to partner with the Berkeley-based children’s book company, Crayon Crunch!  The company is known for publishing a book where parents and children can pick what the main character looks like. Their book, My Magical Adventure, is a high-tech...

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Amanda is the co-creator of the Blog, The Club Mom, after a 7 year run, and now that her kids are getting older, she decided to create a lifestyle blog/community centered on happiness. Follow along, let’s discover true happiness together!